Daniel 11:32b; Genesis 26:1-6

 Exploits connote extraordinary accomplishments, breaking new grounds and setting new records.  To do exploits is to have outstanding successes with strange impacts – for the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9 “But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him”.


Exploits is going beyond the normal in your command of the affairs of life.  It is a heroic or an extraordinary deed.  It is the will of God for you to excel, be great and perform mighty things.  According to Psalms 139:14, God has deposited unusual seed in you that will make you a trailblazer and pathfinder.  As a believer, you should take up challenges and turn them to success stories.

The scripture showed us daring feat by characters like Caleb, who at age 80, was still taking up territories.  The Lord did mighty works through Elisha that even his dead bones woke up the dead.  There were so many other men and women in the scripture that God used to perform exploits.  God is willing to do these mighty works and even more through you as He said in John 14:12b “…..And greater works than this shall he do…..”

However for you to do exploits, you have to align yourself properly for God to use, thus, you must:

  • Have cordial and mutual relationship with God – Daniel 11:32b. You need to have full knowledge and connection with God by regularly studying His Word – Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”
  • Live a purposeful life – Daniel 1:8. As a result of many distractions around the world today, you need to focus your mind on the things that matter.  Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile h imself; Elisha was determined to get the double measure of Elijah’s anointing in spite of the distraction and frustration from sons of prophets.
  • Be obedient to divine instructions – Genesis 26:1-6. Total obedience to God’s instructions and directions is the key to great exploits in life.  As a Christian, you must live a life of total obedience to your Creator.
  • Have absolute faith in God – Hebrews 11:6. You need to have total trust in God and faith in His promises.
  • Take Action! This involves putting your knowledge to work. Do not be afraid to take actions as at when due.  Remember, the sea did not part until the children of Israel stepped into it.   Challenge God through tithing, sacrificial giving, rendering unusual service and worship to Him.

You are God’s vessel for exploits!  Endeavor to align yourself to Him and see Him work wonders through you.


3 thoughts on “MADE FOR EXPLOITS”


    Halleluyah, this is a great teaching on doing exploits for God. God bless this writer in Jesus name.

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