Corporate Department is a creative hub of the Ministry, given the functionality and the job description as designed by the Management of the Church. The responsibility of image branding and protection is what this department undertakes. We have passionate men and women who ensure that the highly delicate duties are discharged effectively and seamlessly. Also, we pay attention to quality assurance and observe zero tolerance to error, bearing in mind the sensitive position of image in any organization. While the Corporate Department is committed to information dissemination, image control both in the print and electronic media, it also pays attention to all activities on its social media vis-a-vis the Ministry. Worthy of note is the fact that this department is directly involved in all activities connected with the Ministry as the leadership gives its assent to publicity items; even from departmental levels and on a daily basis.

This department is a solution provider engaged with the environmental sanitation and related matters.It has a strengthened workforce and is made up of men and women of various age groups whose commitment are of a remarkable level. Members are of high spirit and they get the job done in all weather and situation.

This is a specialized and unique department that ensures the safety of lives and properties in and around the Church premises during all programmes and activities.  

They are the first contact for any visitor coming to worship with the Church; hence the commitment to excellence and perfection. Considering the sensitive nature of the assignment being undertaken by this department, the ministry trains the members from time to time to bring them up to speed in their field. 

The Members are diligent, punctual, hardworking and alert at all times according to the demands of their operations.

They are responsible for providing a hospitable and conducive environment for both the Senior Pastor, visiting Guest Ministers and worshippers during all services and Church programmes. There is emphasis on the provision of qualitative support service that ensures that all ministrations are conducted in a serene atmosphere. The core values of the department include Discipline, Courtesy, Humility and Patience.

Ours is a holistic approach to caring. We love and care for our neighbours spiritually, morally and by meeting their physical needs.

This department is responsible for taking our members through our various schools of ministry for spiritual maturity; Membership Class, Discipleship Class and, Ministerial and Advanced Ministerial Classes.

They intercede for the Church and her members.  They are the Soldiers of the Ministry!

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Bearing the burden of another and counseling are uncommon gifts. Members of this department are seasoned counsellors trained to soothe aching minds and souls; also proffer solutions where needed.

Intending couples undergo marriage counselling well ahead of their wedding dates.

Partner with God as we reach out to people who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour or have for one reason or the other, backslidden. This involves a planned, direct and deliberate approach at reaching out to communities. We serve cheerfully and heartily as we carry our sanitary materials to people’s doorsteps; cleaning the environment and at the same time proclaiming the Gospel. Rest assured there is great delight in heaven over each soul won for God.

It is our core duty to help our guests and worshippers feel the love of God by truly welcoming them into the house of God through friendly and hospitable service and tracking.

Known as “Zion House”, this is a department in the ministry designated and empowered to visualize the word of God holistically via on and off stage ministrations.  It is hypothetical proven that pictorial illustrations easily find optimum expression on our mind.  Therefore drama serves as a means of expressing the word of God to humanity.

We call them Star Grandeur Levites (SGL)!  They bring down the glory of God via song ministrations as written in 2 Kings 3:15 “But now bring me a minstrel.  And it came to pass when the minstrel played that the hand of the Lord came upon him”.  Choir department is the bedrock of every growing Church.

This team ushers worshippers into the presence of God via praise and worship.  They do not just render praises to God, they live a life full of praise to the glory of His name.

Members of this department have the dexterity of handling cameras, audio gadgets and so on. A diligent and skillful hand will stand before kings and not mere men.

Being current and up-to-date with the knowledge in the international communication and technological skill helps us take evangelism to a global audience.  This department is responsible to reach out to souls through our social media handles.

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They are known as REAL MEN who love Christ and are not ashamed to say so.

Known as the ROYAL DIADEM, they are gems in the hands of God, building their homes with wisdom.  They canvass in prayers for their homes and the Church.

Young, vibrant and dynamic are the words that describe our youths. They proclaim God’s message and love energetically.

The Junior Church!  These are the next generation being prepared to take over the baton and run with it to the four corners of the earth. We have a train of seasoned tutors geared towards raising the future leaders of the Church and the nation at large.

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