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Isaiah 2:2-3; John 1:4, Exodus 34:29; Acts 9:3; Ephesians 1:18-23

The ground is crowded, many are presently at the average level but there is so much exploit and space up there begging for great minds to attain and there are few that know how to navigate their ways through the ladder.


Higher Ground is a place of divine separation where carnality is completely subjected to spirituality and the spirit takes control over the flesh. It is a place of focus where tasks are effectively and efficiently executed without compromise, entanglement or any form of corruption. Higher Ground is also a place of speed and an arena where light overshadows darkness at every given time. There is therefore no doubt that a higher ground is a place where harvest is the reward of determination.

No one can fulfill the mandate of the Kingdom by staying at the lower level where adversaries are always co-occupants. The best place to stay focused and reach your target is when you are operating at a higher altitude. You must be prepared to kill the flesh and nurture your spirit in order for you to reach this altitude. Walking in the light with daily self-examination and purification from sins and impurities are not negotiable. Moses met with God at Sinai and his countenance emitted powerful light that the nation of Israel could not behold his face. Paul the Apostle had an encounter with this light and his life never remained the same.

Apostle Paul appreciated the faith of the Ephesians but admonished further that their eyes of understanding must be enlightened to be able to see the dominion of Christ over everything. If you want to operate at the higher ground, you must be willing to have dominion over every situation. See you at the top!



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